Radiation Free Lakeland run the Lakes Against Nuclear Dump campaign on a wing and a prayer - well almost!
We keep going by the generosity of volunteers who give enormous amounts of time and expertise freely. What we desperately need to keep going is a new (secondhand) laptop. Our existing secondhand laptop is reaching the end.
You can help to keep Radiation Free Lakeland going - and grab a signed comic book at the same time!
For a donation of £15 you will recieve a Signed Comic Booklet "The Pit and the Polar Bear"
described as "a marvellously light hearted look at the dark forces shaping nuclear power politics" We are looking to raise £600 for a new (secondhand) laptop - a big ask in these tough times so we hope that we can achieve this and continue our work to pushback against the oncoming nuclear juggernaut.
You can see the Crowdfunder and DONATE here: https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/p/new-laptop-for-radiation-free-lakeland