New Scientist are holding a "Debate" on the future of nuclear waste in the UK - all the panel are deeply embedded in the process of delivery of this diabolic plan. There is as far as we can see no balance at all on the panel. Anyway the question I have asked is :
A question for Vesa Lakaniemi Mayor of Eurajoki, Finland.
Are you concerned about the close proximity of your planned nuclear waste repository at Onkalo to Olkiluoto Nuclear Power Plant given that the mining of the repository at Onkalo is causing so many micro-earthquakes - thousands of them. Scientists now say many micro earthquakes lead to bigger quakes. "earthquake sequences can grow, not unlike a spreading disease epidemic." Is this a concern?"
To ask a question people can register here:
The UK’s nuclear waste and the geological solution
Wednesday 23 February 2022
6-7pm GMT | 1-2 EST | On-demand
Free event
The UK Government has decided that higher activity nuclear waste should be disposed of in a deep underground facility where scientists believe it can remain safe for the long term. Numerous countries have come to the same conclusion and work has already begun to create safe, secure and permanent disposal facilities elsewhere in the world. This New Scientist debate brings together leading thinkers to explore the science behind the geological disposal of nuclear waste, examine the engineering, economic and social challenges at play and asks how similar projects elsewhere are faring.
