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PROTEST: Demonstration on Whitehaven harbour against seismic testing in the Irish Sea


Protestors demonstrate against undersea nuclear proposals at Whitehaven harbour

PROTEST: Demonstration on Whitehaven harbour against seismic testing in the Irish Sea

PROTESTORS have assembled at Whitehaven harbour to protest against planned 'seismic testing' in the area - which they say will destroy marine life and could harm whales and dolphins.

The group are concerned about so-called 'marine geophysical surveys' which would precede the siting of nuclear waste dumps in Copeland. The group held their protest alongside World Ocean Day and are concerned what the testing might do to marine life and aquatic habitats. The group met at the harbourside on Thursday and headed towards Copeland Borough Council offices to hand in a petition in an attempt to put a stop to the testing. READ MORE: 'The science doesn't exist' - Nuclear waste storage site search narrowed Mark Rice, a protestor at the event, said: "Our protest is against the seismic testing that is set to take place in the Irish Sea. "We're concerned that the plans could destroy a lot of marine life and how it could harm mammals like whales and dolphins. It could also cause harm to smaller animals like crabs and lobsters. "We're hoping that people will listen to us and realise that we don't want this nuclear site put into the sea and we want them to stop doing seismic testing." A number of protestors attended the event at Whitehaven to share their concerns and have their voices heard. Nuclear Free Local Authorities provided a comment from Cllr David Blackburn, chair of the NFLA's Steering Committee. He said: "We do not believe this testing is being carried out for 'scientific research'; the real reason for it is to facilitate the planning of a future undersea nuclear dump." READ MORE: Cumbria County Council hears update on Copeland GDF site search GDF means geological disposal facility - a secure site where nuclear waste slowly decays. A joint statement was issued by Mark Cullinan, chair of the Mid Copeland GDF Community Partnership, and Ged McGrath, chair of the South Copeland GDF Community Partnership: "The Mid and South Copeland GDF Community Partnerships welcome all feedback and involvement in the GDF process. "The Partnerships acknowledge that there has been some local debate around the subject of marine geophysical surveys, commissioned by the GDF developer.

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