Free Webinar and book launch: The Scientists Who Alerted us to the Dangers of Radiation, with the authors Dr. Ian Fairlie and Cindy Folkers.
Thur. Jan. 16, 5pm - 6.30pm (London time)Register: HERE.
This book reveals that the harmful effects of radiation exposure – especially from the nuclear sector and especially to children – are more pervasive and worse than thought. These have been known for decades but suppressed by politically-motivated censorship and overt disparagement/persecution.
Anyone who ever wondered about radiation or its close relative, radioactivity, should read the book and attend this webinar. It’s timely because several governments are pushing hard for more public exposures to radiation via nuclear power. It explains radiation in easy-to-grasp language which clarifies its dangers and risks.
Webinar co-hosted by: Ontario Clean Air Alliance (OCAA), Nuclear Waste Watch, Coalition for Responsible Energy Development in New Brunswick (CRED-NB), and the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility (CCNR).
This excellent and informative webinar is available to view now online https://youtu.be/OyUjtpysc2Y?si=UwC3JY_lNInD6ta7