Photo: Wastwater Sunset - credit LAND
Set the date - 14th October for the Wasdale Show or more properly the Wasdale Shepherds Meet.
LAND are proud to be a part of this unique Lake District show. We will have an information stall about the plans for a deep and very hot nuclear dump under the Irish Sea along with an art competition to design a badge for Lakes Against Nuclear Dump (see image below - draw your design within the circle!) - the winning design will be produced on badges and stickers with a special prize for the winning artist. If you cannot come along to the show then just email your design with BADGE in the subject line to Wastwater@protonmail.com

Currently the nuclear waste already at Sellafield (and arriving almost daily) is cooled with millions of gallons of fresh water piped from England's coolest deepest lake, Wastwater. Wastwater was formed a mere 10,000 years ago. Some of the hottest and most dangerous nuclear wastes will remain hot far longer than 10,000 years. The plan now is to use the rocks beneath the Irish Sea to "dissipate" the enormous heat from decades of atomic wastes.
The Wasdale Show must be the most beautiful show venue in the UK nestling as it does beneath the largest mountains and next to the deepest lake in England. It will be lovely to see friends old and new, please do come along and lend a hand at the stall or just stop by for a chat.
Below is a bit of history about the Wasdale Show -
"Wasdale Head Show & Shepherd's Meet
There has been a “Shepherds Meet” at Wasdale Head for over 100 years, little is known of the early years other than that it was originally held in “The Chicken Field” which is the right-hand field just over the old packhorse bridge.
It is believed that the “Shepherds Meet” started off with farmers from Wasdale meeting the farmers from the adjoining valleys of Ennerdale, Buttermere, Borrowdale, Eskdale and possibly Langdale, who walked their Tips (Rams) over to Wasdale Head to trade them, swap them or hire them. This is why the show is held so late in the year, Tip Lousing (Letting the rams loose with the ewes) in the valleys being in November so lambs being born in April. In all probability the showing of sheep also started in the early years and possibly also the showing of shepherd’s dogs, Hound Trailing would also have been introduced in these early years.
There were no Shepherd’s Meets or Shows in WW2 and in 1947 The Wasdale Head Show and shepherds meet restarted in its current location. With farmers having motorised transport, the practice of walking sheep to the show soon all but died out but this also made the Show more accessible and therefore it started to grow. Cumberland and Westmoreland Wrestling and the Fell Race would have been introduced soon after WW2 and at this time the traditional singing took place in the dining room at The Wastwater Hotel (Now The Wasdale Head Inn). Children’s sports were introduced in the 60’s, soon followed by classes for none working dogs as well as the terrier racing.
More Trade Stands starting making appearances and what was once a shepherd’s meet became the show it is today with the latest two major changes being the “The Craft Barn” (to give traders somewhere dry to set up their stall in times of inclement weather) and the introduction of the vintage classes.
All of this has broadened the appeal of the show and what was once a simple gathering of farmers is now a great family day out where the show committee endeavour to maintain the traditions and history of the event but at the same time offer something for everyone."