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Rainbows and Nuclear Pride is Kendal's Shame

The following letter was sent to the Westmorland Gazette on the 10th July - unpublished

Dear Editor

Last week's Westmorland Gazette positively fizzed with nuclear pride. There was an article about nuclear minister Andrew Bowie at Cartmel Races saying "Cumbria to be 'beating heart' of UK's nuclear future." That must be the most dangerous gamble ever to be placed at Cartmel Races. Then we were presented with the Pride of Cumbria Awards sponsored by Sellafield, the world's worst neighbour, with its 140 tonne stockpile of planetary destroying plutonium sponsoring "best neighbour." This was followed by a gushing advert for Westinghouse, the place near Preston where uranium fuel is made to burn in nuclear reactors, claiming to be "clean." To top it all off there is Kendal Pride Village at the Brewery Arts sponsored by one of the worlds largest arms manufacturers and the builder of nuclear submarines at Barrow. Have Kendal Pride and the Brewery not heard of BAE's role in Yemen? Does the rainbow flag of peace now mean going nuclear? Will the next nuclear submarine out of Barrow have a rainbow flag draped over it "in gratitude" ?

Yours sincerely

Marianne Birkby

note the letter does not mention BAE's massive sales of armaments to countries such as Saudi Arabia who have the death penalty for being gay

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