GDF OFF! (Gnome called 'Sandi' (Stop All Nuclear Developments Immediately- he is a baby made of Cold Porcelain: 2 cups of cornflour, one cup of PVA glue and a bit of lemon and oil).
Back in the 90s the "best" place in the UK to dump intermediate level nuclear waste was decided upon following a long geological screening programme which looked at the whole of the UK. That place was Longlands Farm near Gosforth. Following the NIREX inquiry Longlands Farm was ruled out as being unsuitable. What is new is not the geology or the science of containment, it is the Government's desperation to show that they have "a plan" in order to justify new nuclear build. Now the plan for a deep dump includes not only the dangerous intermediate level wastes but the much more dangerous heat generating nuclear wastes. RWM are being coy about the plan for much of the intermediate level wastes which they hope the so called "Low Level Waste Repository" at Drigg will be hosting (10s of metres below ground) - behavoural scientists are working hard behind the scenes to achieve all this novel nuclear dumping by averting any public outrage. The "safe" GDF "plan" for heat generating nuclear wastes is a blatant lie flying in the face of the Flowers report and more than one international treaty on nuclear waste dumping in or under the sea. There is no genuine "plan" to contain the wastes only the need to justify the UK's dangerous and criminal new nuclear build programme. A GDF which will not safety contain nuclear wastes into eternity would be the biggest environmental disaster in the UK and beyond negating existentialist concerns about the climate with the terrible reality of a planet too radioactive to sustain life, any life.
This crapola below is what Radioactive Waste Management are brainwashing the public with along with the carrotty £dosh to smooth the ride (RWM is the grandchild of NIREX, Managing Radioactive Wastes Safely was the child - the word "Safely" long since abandoned).
Welcome to the November edition of the Copeland GDF Working Group newsletter. A Community Partnership has now formed in Copeland to take forward the work we began a year ago and which now gives access to £1million investment funding.
The Mid Copeland GDF Community Partnership has its own Search Area which includes the electoral wards of Gosforth & Seascale and Beckermet.
A second Community Partnership – in South Copeland – will be launching in the coming weeks. It includes the electoral wards of Millom and Black Combe & Scafell.
Our work to look at what a Geological Disposal Facility (GDF) could mean for Copeland started in November 2020. We had three main tasks:
begin local conversations and start to understand community issues, concerns and questions about GDF;
identify a search area or areas within Copeland for further consideration;
recruit initial members for a Community Partnership which could take that work forward.
In the earlier months, due to the Covid global pandemic, much of our communication was over the telephone, via webinars, through our Virtual Exhibition, as well as our website. We’ve also had many articles in the media and on social media, used digital and local advertising, plus an information leaflet went to all households across Copeland.
As restrictions relaxed, we were able to hold some pop-up events which attracted over 100 people and then a 15-venue roadshow of public exhibitions was held which resulted in around 400 people coming to gather information, ask questions and talk to us about geological disposal. We’ve had discussions covering a wide variety of subjects including safety, geology, environment, transport, policy and science – to name just a few.
Two Search Areas have now been identified as an initial starting point going forward which Radioactive Waste Management (RWM) has concluded have potential to host a GDF. This doesn’t mean that a GDF will be built here but that the possibilities will now be looked at in more detail.
The Working Group’s work has looked at available information on the local geology, environmental issues, transport infrastructure and safety, as well as information from previous work in the area. We’ve also considered the wide-ranging views we’ve received over the past year.
The Mid Copeland GDF Community Partnership – and the one in South Copeland when it launches – will now take forward this work. I’ve been invited to Chair both Community Partnerships for an initial period of a few months until more members and a Chair for each are recruited.
For more details, please see our press release below. We plan to send out leaflets in the coming months, to all those in the area, with further information.
To get in touch email: Gdfinfo-midcopeland@nda.gov.uk, telephone 0300 369 0000 or write to: Mid Copeland GDF Community Partnership, GDF Enquiries, PO Box 734, Swansea SA1 9RP. You can also follow the Partnership on social media.
The new website is: https://midcopeland.workinginpartnership.org.uk
Mark Cullinan
Independent Chair
Copeland GDF Working Group