Join Us - Saturday 25th June, 1pm till 2pm at The Lighthouse Centre, Atkinson St, Haverigg, Millom, LA18 4HA.
Join us to oppose the plans for a Geological Disposal Facility (Deep Nuclear Dump) which are steaming ahead with seismic blasting to 'check out the geology' (unless we can stop it - see Petitions below)
It is already known that the geology of West Cumbria from the Duddon Estuary to the Solway Coast is complex, faulted, has coal and other mineral reserves and is the area of the West Cumbrian Aquifer (an increasingly important freshwater resource). No public vote or consultation has taken place for the hugely damaging seismic blasting due to take place in July.
There is a terrible suspicion that these "drop in" events will feed into the "test of public support" which will give a Green Light to the GDF. So, lets show the powers that be that there is NO Support in West Cumbria and the Lake District for a Deep Hot Nuclear Waste Dump.
We are delighted to be able to support the newly formed group Millom and District Against Nuclear Dump in saying GDF-OFF!!!
Bring banners - bring yourselves and lets say a big fat GDF-OFF!!
NOTE: we will be demonstrating from 1 till 2 but the official Public Relations drop in goes on from 11am-5pm at The Lighthouse Centre, Atkinson St, Haverigg, Millom, LA18 4HA ....
The more demonstrations of opposition the better!!
If you cannot come along there are a couple of petitions to sign which will help in the battle...
To the Marine Management Organisation:
To The Environment Minister Rt Hon George Eustace MP:
The BELOW is from the Offical Patronising Blurb: "Community Engagement Manager, Kelly Anderson, said: “We are here to help people understand Geological Disposal and the siting process and we’re encouraging everyone to come along and have a chat with us, ask us questions, raise any concerns, and talk about the opportunities this process offers.
“Our Engagement Team will be joined by different experts in their field to discuss the subjects which matter most to people in more detail. I am looking forward to meeting with people in the local community and listening to their views.”
A GDF requires a suitable site and a willing community. Deep geology beyond the coast is being considered for siting the underground elements of a GDF. This means a surface facility on, or near, the coast would provide access to a disposal area deep in rock beyond the coast. If a suitable site is found in Copeland – a decision which could take 10-15 years – a Test of Public Support to give people a direct say would be held with those living in the wards affected. Without public support the project would not go ahead.
A community that has a suitable site and takes the opportunity to host a GDF will receive significant additional investment and long-term benefits for future generations, including jobs and skills.
The South Copeland area now has access to £1million Community Investment Funding per year from the GDF programme as discussions progress around what a facility could mean locally.
If you would like to find out further information about the South Copeland GDF Community Partnership see here.
Other ways to contact the Partnership include email: or telephone 0300 369 0000."
