Dear Editor,
This July the Irish Sea will be airgun blasted courtesy of Nuclear Waste Services and the euphemistically named “Community Partnerships”of South and Mid-Copland. Unless, that is, we can stop it. The actual community has had no vote or say on the matter. There is no justification for this invasive airgun blasting to survey sub-sea geology for a deep nuclear dump. Massive nuclear vaults under the Irish Sea would never be able to be monitored properly for radioactive leaks because of the damage the nuclear industry has already done and continues to do to the Irish Sea with release of liquid and solid radioactive particle discharge.
The Irish Sea Marine wildlife from Minke Whales to Winkles needs to have space and time to recover and not be violated further by the nuclear industry. Seismic testing involves airgun blasting which would take place every 5 or 10 seconds, 24 hours a day for four weeks. The company Shearwater Geoservices specialises in oil and gas seismic surveys and has attracted vehement opposition for their destructive activities worldwide. If this plan was for the exploitation of oil or gas it would have needed a full licence and consultation. As it is for a government sponsored nuclear dump it has been given an “exemption” from the regulators. Are we ready to roll over and let this happen in Cumbria? In the Irish Sea which cradles the Lake District in its arms? Seismic testing is well documented as causing extreme damage to whales, dolphins and even killing plankton. The sound in the ocean from airguns can travel thousands of miles from the source. One of the comments on our petition already signed by hundreds says: "seismic testing is wrong - sesimic testing for a deep hot nuclear dump is a whole different level of wrong.” We are raising funds to challenge the plan with an independent report into the impacts of this destructive plan on marine wildlife and need to raise approximately £1000 in a very short time. On a personal note this is my 60th birthday fundraiser! Please help if you can by supporting the petition and the fundraiser. All donations go directly to saving the Whale and the Snail of the Irish Sea.
Yours sincerely
Marianne Birkby
Lakes Against Nuclear Dump - a Radiation Free Lakeland campaign