A Tale of Two Images!
On the same day that Copeland Working Group's Newsletter Shows the Neat Graphic of a GDF, the presenter Simon Reeves inadvertently shows what a deep geological nuclear dump would actually mean for the "willing community" who would sell their soul to host the above ground "facilities." Spoiler alert -the reality would be nothing like the neat clean graphic!

Latest Newsletter from Copeland Working Group - looks good!

Simon Reeves visits the Civil Nuclear Police at Sellafield - coming to a "willing community" near you?
SARAH EVERARD .. For 8 years rapist and murder Wayne Roamed the UK with a Police Badge and gun licence .. The forces moto is .. Deny ! The CivilNuclearConstabulary (CNC) is an armed special police force which protects the civilian nuclear industry by guarding power stations, research centers and other facilities against terrorist attack. The CNC also escorts nuclear materials in transit. Their motto is " Deter, defend, deny, recover."😥